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TOPIC: anyone with a polyevolver?
Posts: 48
A4, MnM, DSI MEK-x2, Waldorf Pulse+, Q, XT, Blofeld, Miniworks 4-Pole Filter; Virus KC, KB; Korg DW8000,;Alesis Fusion;Minibrute; Quasimidi Polymorph
Re:anyone with a polyevolver? 10 Years, 8 Months ago
RyanA4 wrote:
I think the bottom line here 3 things:

1) If he can try out a DSI flagship like a PEK cheaply, he should because there is nothing to lose- a really good deal means you can make you money back (or make a small profit on a resale).

2) I'm guessing most people commenting from a position of expertise about the P12 in this thread have never played one. Comparing the XT and the Q to the P12 is like saying that since the OT can load single cycle waveforms it's comparable to the A4. The P12 isn't anything like the Waldorf wave tables- it's just possible to load some wavetables into the oscillators. Unlike the XT or the Q, the P12 is capable of producing something good/usable about 80-90% of the time you sit down to program patches, unlike the 30-40% of the time with the XT/Q (only own the XT, but to my understanding the Q is much more fussy than even the XT). XT/Q are special synths, but they aren't a relevant point of comparison here, even in the slightest.

3) PEK can produce "X sounds" better than "what I've heard out of the P12" is a useless comment. What you've heard of the p12 are shit YouTube demo vids. Everyone with a bad ass synth (like the PEK!) knows that you have no real idea what it sounds like until it's right in front of you plugged into a great set of monitors. Having heard both the P12 and the PEK in person, I can tell you the P12 has a MUCH more textured and vibrant character than the PEK- according to this thread, the P12 was a pointless product, because, not only can the PEK do all the things the P12 can do (and better)- it can do more!

As with all things in life, consider the source of information just as carefully as its contents.

Insolence is SO unbecoming!
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Posts: 119
Re:anyone with a polyevolver? 10 Years, 8 Months ago
Well thanks guys, i didnt mean to start any time of big war over DSI products. like i said, I had a mopho tabletop, I upgraded to a tetra, I had a mopho x4 until the pitch bend broke (and the polychaining of mopho x4 and tetra wasnt the amazing life changing experience I thought it would be).

I also didnt mean to start anytime of PEK is better than P12 but ANY means. If I was a rich man I would have both... and The P12 didnt come into the picture until RYANA4 mentioned it, and it got my g.a.s. acting up, and I started watching some videos (peter dyer playing M83 teen angst on the p12 and tempest anyone).... anyways.... I was like holy shit this thing sounds great. I mean, those digital osc's sound pretty friggin good, and with so many voices im sure it can blow a house down. But I cant for the life of me figure out why there is no audio in's and WHYYYYYYYYYY there is no sequencer on the P12. their "flagship" synth is dropping things that come on their entry level desktop?!??!!?

Anyways... thanks for the insight guys..... Im sure one day ill Have a P12 sitting on one of the tiers of my synth stands.... But for now its PEK time.

Besides, im fairly confident some of the CRAZZZZZY shit thit will be made, will turn into some great shit when fed into the OCTATRACK and mangled to death.
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Posts: 129
Re:anyone with a polyevolver? 10 Years, 8 Months ago
I'm not a fanboy. I have 7 synths, 2 of which are from the same company.

I do agree that a sequencer would have been a nice inclusion, and as someone without an MnM, it makes me want one more! Dammit! I may have to figure out yet another trade....

ANYWAY, moving on....

Congrats on the PEK, enjoy it! It's a fantastic synth and sounds like you're getting it for a total steal!

If your friend ever wants to sell other synths super cheap, let me know. I'll take an OB-X for $2500 and a Moog Prodigy B for $500.
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